Friday, January 22, 2010


I was given another lovely award, this time by the lovely Jasna of the FashionJass web site, and this is what the award looks like!
Now if you have never been to Jasna's site, you are missing out big time! She is a fashion expert, and she dresses accordingly, always dressed to perfection. So do yourself a favor and visit her, she will entertain you with the latest fashion, mixed with some vintage, and some seasonal trends. She also has a column on Style Scoop, so please visit and support her there as well. You will not be disapponted, I assure you!

My "instructions" are to nominate 10 blogs who I think deserves this award. So here goes, in no particular order:

1. The seeker.
2. Nina ballerina Closet Obsession.
3. Cafe Fashionista.
4. Kirafashion.
5. Pixie Dust.
6. Try to be Stylish.
7. Iva Messy.
8. The Girlie Blog.
9. Fashion Snag.
10. Fashion Lolita.

I guess that is 10 sites, please visit them and support them, they are all very interesting and colorful. And a huge thanks to Jasna for nominating me!

I wish you all a lovely weekend, see you soon!

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