Saturday, January 9, 2010


On November 21, 2009 I did a post featuring a giveaway for Perricone. It concerned Cold Plasma, an anti-aging cream. The person who approached me for this giveaway was a gent by the name of Jordan Hill.

I have subsequently seen other bloggers also doing a giveaway for the same product.

Now my question is, has those people who won the giveaway received their prizes yet? Mine hasn't and had I not followed up on the matter, I never would have known. He further made a bold promise that I will receive a container of the same product if I'd add their URL to my link list, which I have done. Well, needless to say, nothing yet. (and my wrinkles have increased because of this.)

Another blogger whom I know has also featured the giveaway and he has also not received his container either. (as the devil would have it, he is the brother of my prize winner!)

I would love to hear from you, have you done a Perricone giveaway, has your winner received her/his prize, and have you received your tub because you added the URL to your link list?

E mailing Mr Hill, has been unsuccessful as he just naturally does not reply to my mails. Have you had the same experience, because if you have, I think we should take it further. It is a hell of an embarrassment doing a giveaway, (first one for me) and then the prize winner does not get her prize.

Please let me know, coz I'd really love to 'jump on Jordan Hill's chest!'

Have a super Sunday!

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