Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I would like to post some more readers legs for you, some old, some new, so please enjoy with me!

First lady on the "runway" is the lovely and very sexy Jacqueline of Fashion Snag site. Now I have to say nothing, the picture speaks for itself, she is a stunning young lady, dressed to kill! This outfit really compliments Jacqueline's curves and well shaped legs. The high heeled sandals definitely compliments her legs to perfection.

Another stunning pic of Jacqueline, this time outside wearing a mini and heels, again a very sexy combination, complimenting her legs.

A bonus picture of Jacqueline, the very first time I visited her site, this was the post that was on her site at the time. This picture immediately drew my attention, and for obvious reasons. I am sure you will agree with me, a stunning outfit, and a special bonus, you get to see her from both sides in the same picture. (I stole this one off her site)

A very lovely young lady whom I have known for a very long time is Tammy, owner and author of Forgetful Princess Blogspot.

Tammy sent in two pics, which I would love to share with you people. No doubt Tammy is a beautiful young lady, and the idea I got of her is that she is a mite shy and modest, but do not dare her to do something, coz she will do it, even if only to proof a point. (just my opinion, she can correct me if I'm wrong.)

Another pic of her, looking very sexy in the same beautiful outfit, flaunting a pair of well shaped legs!

The last two pics are of a very special person, very dear and also very near to me, so I thought it wise to feature her also on this post. (I do apologize for the poor quality pics, but the guy who took these pics is an absolute amateur and his camera is a cheapy)

In my opinion she has great, well shaped legs, but then, I might be biased.... :-)

That is all for today folks, a special word of thanks to the very lovely girls who sent in their pics, please visit their sites, and I would appreciate it if everone will support them. The girl in the last two pics? Do not concerned yourself about her, please, I will thank her personally...haha...
Have a wonderful week!

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