Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Mariah Carey with children at The Fresh Air Fu...Image via Wikipedia
This is not something I normally post about, but Sara Wilson of the Fresh Air fund has mailed me and asked if I would consider it. Being a parent myself, I can see no reason at all why not. It is for a perfectly good cause, and I am sure you will all agree with me.

This is a little paragraph out of their site. Please visit and lend a hand, I am sure you will be blessed for it.

"If you or someone you know is able to host, please sign up now. In 2010, The Fresh Air Fund's Volunteer Host Family program, called Friendly Town, gave close to 5,000 New York City boys and girls, ages six to 18, free summer experiences in the country and the suburbs. Volunteer host families shared their friendship and homes up to two weeks or more in 13 Northeastern states from Virginia to Maine and Canada."

If you love children and you are able to make one child happy this year, please do not hesitate, go for it.

Please visit their site, make contact with Sara if you are able to reach out, and give one child a holiday he or she will never forget. If not that, maybe donate a few dollars, some old clothes, games, a food hamper, or what ever you do not need anymore, I have no doubt they would appreciate every small gesture of help they can get.

Thanks, and enjoy the rest of your week.

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