Friday, April 15, 2011


Robert T. Kiyosaki Robert T. Kiyosaki

Do you trust other people, like your banker or your broker to invest your money for you? If you do, why? Who can look after your money better than you?

Based on that and based on the success we've had with investing in property, a friend of mine decided to put some words on paper, and start an e book. The book is now almost ready, to go live, and as soon as it is, it will feature on the blog we started for that purpose.

The site you can visit by going here, please drop by, take a look, and leave your tracks. The book should be live early next week, and you will be able to order the book online from the site. Alternatively you can order it from me, either by mailing me, or by leaving a comment on my site.

This is what it will look like!

Although the book is written by South Africans, it doesn't mean that you cannot apply the contents in your country. Principles are the same, minor details might differ here and there, but it is based on principles of guru's from all over the world, like for instance Robert Kiyosaki, so you cannot go wrong.

Please visit, let us know what you think, and leave some support.

Thanks and have a stunning weekend.

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