Sunday, October 18, 2009


Marie of Bound and Determined blog has busted my bubble! She commented on my last post on Marilyn Monroe and informed me that the last two pics I posted, were in fact not Marilyn. At first I thought she was just yanking my chain, (she enjoys doing it) however, subsequently a person by the name of Dave also left a comment, confirming what Marie'd said. Now not only my bubble got busted, but with it, also my ego! I was down and out. So I sulked for a whole day!

However, after contemplating, I decided that all I have to do is apologize. When I downloaded those pics, I got them from a Marilyn website, and I posted them in good faith. I am sure you will all agree, sometimes when you do a post, you are pressed for time, and I just didn't pay proper attention to the finer detail on the pics. Not that I would have noticed a difference as my laptop is quite old and the graphics not very good quality.

Be that as it may, I know it remains my responsibility to make sure what I post is correct, so I accept full responsibility. (If Marie will be so kind as to inform me when the hearing is, I will make sure that my case in defence is ready... lol..)

I would however like to thank Marie for informing me, I do appreciate it and I will in future do my best not to make the same mistake again. However, if any of you folks out there have a minute to spare, please take the time to drop by Marie's site, she is a lovely girl, and will be only too happy to entertain you.
Thanks again Marie, you are sooo sweet.

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