Thursday, August 6, 2009


I am at it again, you tell me if I am wrong.

Like most bloggers, I visit many sites, in order for me to built my site to a respectable size. Now I am sure almost any blogger wants to be proud of his or her site, or is that a stupid assumption? So what I do is, when I think the blog I am visiting is a fair, clean and respectable blog, I will say so and in certain instances request a link, although I will very seldom ask on my first visit.

Now you tell me, if I ask someone to link, and they feel that they do not like my blog, or they think my blog is a stinking, crummy blog and they are not interested in linking, isn't it just common courtesy to come back to me and tell me that they are not crazy about my site? I am not going to go into detail here, or point fingers at specific blogs, but there are many site owners who just don't reply. I always reply to comments on my posts, and as an act of respect I will then also visit the site of the person who commented. I feel that is the least one can do. Apart from that, I shall not refuse to link to another blog unless that blog or site displays pornographic material or nudity. Now don't misunderstand me, I don't consider myself an angel, on the contrary, I know only too well I am not, my wife will confirm that, but I want to keep my readers happy, and I want to keep my site clean.

So, what this boils down to is that I ask all blog authors nicely, if someone requests a link, and you do not feel like linking for what ever reason, say so. I do not expect a reason, I sure no one does, it is your blog, you don't have to improve it if you do not feel like it, but just tell me you do not want to link, easy as that, and I will not bother you again.

Just for the record, linking in my opinion, is an excellent way of promoting your blog right across the world, so if you refuse to link, you are basically shooting yourself in the foot.

Have a wonderful day.

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