Thursday, August 20, 2009


I had some really interesting and valuable comments about the tattoos post, and I would love to thank everyone who took part in the "discussion". I think it is safe to assume, based on your input, that tattoos are ok, as long as it is worn by the right person, for the right reason, and as long as there is more skin than ink.

This post I think we should maybe have something less serious. I found this video and I'd like to share it with you. Hopefully no one has seen it before.

Now I know for a fact that if this lady had asked me to hold this cake, I would gladly have done it. I mean I am a gentleman, helping out this dame in distress. But, if her pants had torn like that, gentleman that I am, I would have looked....away.... hahaha, in your dreams, I mean how many times in your life would you, as a full blooded male, gentleman or no gentleman, see something like this...? More than likely never, so if you are in the fortunate position to have a ringside seat to watch this kind of show, why would you ignore it? Not a chance!

Well, what would you do? And ladies, if your hubby / boyfriend / fiancee looked and you saw him look, like these guys in this video, or saw it on tv later, what would you have done?

Be honest now!

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