Saturday, July 10, 2010


My wife Yolande being camera shy, makes it kinda difficult to get her to pose for a picture, so sometimes I have to ask really nicely, sometimes I have to steal a photograph. But mostly it takes quite a few minutes of careful negotiation to convince her to pose for a photo. I have to admit, it gets easier with time, I can be quite persuasive, well either that or I am just such a pain in the butt, she just agrees so she can get rid of me. :-)

Now in this post I am going to post some of the "stolen" and some of the voluntary photographs that I took. Please forgive the bad quality of the pics, my camera is an el cheapo, and I am not the worlds best photographer, on the contrary....

We went dancing last night, and after some serious negotiation and discussion, she agreed to pose for a few photos. So here they are.

And yes, she danced in those high heeled sandals the whole evening, from 8 to 12, and she is quite fit, we didn't sit out a lot. Don't ask me how she managed. Be that as it may, I am convinced I had the privilege of dancing with the most beautiful girl at the dance.

This picture was taken before work. Unfortunately her dress code for work is black and/or white. It is quite boring for her. Jesse is always there when pics are taken. Obviously I love the stockings and boots idea.

I had to steal this one, hence the bad quality.

I caught her off guard with this one.

Yolande and Amore, Amore fresh out of the bath as you can no doubt see.

Reckon that is enough, hope your weekend will be enjoyable.

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