Thursday, August 13, 2009


First time ever! I was tagged by the lovely Joelyne of the sydney girl blogspot Now this was a rather big surprise, so you will understand if I say I was speechless. Not for long however, as I am supposed to give you 10 random facts about me. Tough one...

But here they are, 10 random facts about me:

1. I am sometimes, and only sometimes, a very short tempered person and will jump the gun before giving it proper thought, yeah, I know, I am working on it. In the same breath, I do not hold grudges, I will forgive you soon enough....

2. I love my family, and if harmed in any way, it can easily become a killing matter. In this instance forgiving will take a mite longer, maybe only after I've killed the person who harmed them, will I be able to forgive... :-)

3. I am a morning person, I am up every morning at 5, sometimes even earlier, when everything is quiet in the house, so I can work on my blog. And, I am not a moody person, I wake up in a good mood every day, but do not pee me off first thing in the morning, or make me look for something I cannot find, that changes everything.

4. Yes you guessed it, I like blogging, no I am not addicted to it, but close...

5. I HATE flying!! With a passion, I am scared of heights...

6. I love airplanes, and no I am not contradicting myself, I love planes as long as I can admire them from a distance, I have no desire to fly in them. The same goes for a pair of well shaped legs, I love to admire them from a distance, but I have no desire to touch them, unless said legs belong to my wife of course.. :-)

7. I have no fear for a dentist, but I hate confined spaces, or small, crowded rooms.

8. I love to tease, I love open spaces, I love the sea, I love rain, I love forests and wild animals.

9. Do not stick your finger in my belly button, I hate it almost as much as flying. It is an extremely sensitive spot....and subject for that matter.

10. I love old, classic western movies, or musicals, not going to mention any names, there are way too many.

Well, I guess you know me much better now that I have opened my heart and shared my best kept secrets with you...

I have to tag some ladies now, so here are the names of the ones I would like to tag.

Marie of Bound and Determined,
D J Tammy of Anything Under the Sun.
The Fairy of The Evil Shoe Fairy
Stilettolover of Hottest heels blog
Maxi of Ovah' Coffee
Dorothy of

Well, I guess that is enough.

A huge thank you to Joelyne for tagging me, I am honored. If you read this, please take the time to visit Joelyne and all the tagged people, I am convinced they'll be only too happy to entertain you, or to read your comments.

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