Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I read a post on Natalie's Party Planner blog this morning. This specific post, My Inspiration made me take some stock, one has to do it from time to time. In her post she was taking stock of how many little things cross her path everyday, and how these small and sometimes insignificant things inspire her. It sure made me think. Please also visit Natalie's site, you will love it.

I have posted this video before, but I thought it is maybe a great time to post it again. So to those who have seen it before, I do apologize. To those who haven't seen it before, it will serve to remind us all how much we have to say thank you for.
Every time I watch this, I get a lump in my throat, but it sure makes me appreciate what I have in life. Even if it is not a lot, I have a reasonably healthy body, a fantastic family, and a pretty easy life.

How to you feel about this lady? Isn't she something else? Now I hope this video will make you all feel better about what you got dealt in life. Maybe not the body or face, or boobs to die for, or the eyes you wanted, but when next you feel unhappy about your body, think back to this girl, and the way she handles her life without arms.

Have a lovely day everyone!

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