What gives a girl sex appeal? What makes her attractive to those who admire her, those around her? Her figure? Could be. Her facial features? Possibly yes. Her dress sense? Maybe. Her boobies? For a lot of guys definitely! Beautiful legs? Yep!
My opinion, and based on what Antoine and Audrey E mentioned in their comments, the key word is confidence. A woman can wear the most beautiful outfit, the best make up, the most expensive accessories, the highest heels, however, if she has no confidence, she will lack that final puzzle piece to portray true and obvious sex appeal.
See Alicia Silverstone in this picture, does she look confident? Not in my opinion, she looks almost scared, hesitant and unsure of herself. So, in my opinion, despite the fact that she is dressed very fashionably, she lacks real sex appeal.
Anne Hathaway, such a lovely dress, she looks stunning, fashionable, but she sadly lacks sex appeal. She looks kinda sorry to be there...like... "hhmmm, I am here...uhmm.....sorry, but....." very little confidence. Do you agree with me?
Does Christine Lakin have confidence, yep, heaps of confidence and loads of sex appeal. Fashionably dressed in a beautiful blue dress, make up not fantastic, but not bad either, stunning high heeled sandals, complimenting a pair of beautiful legs. I think the smile says a lot, and in this case, I would think, gives her the edge.
A woman I think never lacks confidence, is Ciara. She literally glows with confidence, and it is not difficult to understand why, she must have the best shaped legs in the whole of USA. Now the dress is stunning, and the heels do their part to shape those calves, not that the heels are really needed, but her confidence is her best asset. Ok, second best, I think her legs are her number one asset. She's got it, and she definitely flaunts it.... big time!
Let me demonstrate something to you just so I can proof my point, let's take a look at two different pics of the same celebrity. Jennifer Aniston, in this pic looks kinda hesitant and not sure of herself, she lacks confidence, hence, very little sex appeal, despite the sexy dress and heels.
Same Jennifer, different picture altogether, in this picture she is kick ass sexy! Loads of sex appeal, elegant and vibrantly stylish. Why, you ask... Because she literally glows with confidence. Pay special attention to the smile, but also the walk, her posture, all signs of confidence.
Does Jullianne Hough lack confidence? Not a bit, actually I would classify her as a little over confident, almost too much in my opinion. Yes, she does look sexy, but in this specific picture she goes a little over board.
Last pic, someone who doesn't lack confidence, nor sex appeal, Megan Fox. She literally sparkles with sex appeal, actually an almost bad ass kinda sex appeal. She is the kind of girl who enters a noisy function, and suddenly it is quiet, the smell of her perfume mixing with the air in the room, guys eyes out on stalks to admire her beauty.... the girls all suddenly turn green with envy... haha, gettin carried away here.... confident? No doubt! Sex appeal? Loads of it.
So what do you say?? Do you all agree with me, does confidence and sex appeal have something in common? Your turn, tell us.
And please, visit Antoine's site, he will no doubt entertain you with his special way with words, and his beautiful pictures.
Have a wonderful day.
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