Friday, December 18, 2009


I was surprised at the great response to my first post on readers legs, and I received some more photos of sexy legs of readers, which I am going to use in this second post. So I hope you folks enjoy this one. No blackmail schemes this time...hahhaa.... so no ugly, hairy legs either. Just lovely, smooth, well shaped feminine legs.

I think we should start with the photograph of a beautiful young lady, with a brilliant site, Tina of LuvemOrLeavem blog
Tina is showing us some sexy legs, wearing tights and heels. Great combination for a shapely leg!

Frankie, the owner and author of Fashion Hosierey blog has sent in a few pics, and I selected two to post on here.
Those black tights sure look sexy.

And another one...

I got permission from Dominique of Higherheel blogspot to download any of her pics for this post.
Here is my first choice. Back seem stockings, long well shaped legs and high heeled shoes. Quite a picture...

Another pic of Dominique's well shaped legs!

Another lovely lady, Leah, author of LEAH, in love with life blogspot mailed me her choice of pics. Here Leah is flaunting her legs in stockings and a sexy black number.

And another one of Leah wearing black stockings and a shortish black skirt!

My good friend, and I am sure a good friend to many a blogger, Dorothy author of the well known site, Selfesteem BlogFfor Women has mailed me these pics of her. Black tights always seem to add sex appeal to a pair of shapely legs, in this case it is no exception. Dorothy looking happy flaunting her legs next to a blood red fire wagon...

And another one of Dorothy showing us her legs without tights!

I think that's all for this post, however, if some of you girls still want to send in pics of your legs, please feel free to do so, I am more than willing to do more post on readers legs.

I would like to thank all the ladies who sent in their pics, I hope you enjoy the post. I trust that my other readers will visit and support these lovely ladies' sites, and to those who are still contemplating, come on, send them! I have spare pics of most of the readers who has sent in pics already, so if I get more pics, I can still fill another post.

Have a fun filled weekend everyone!

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