Angelina Jolie, favored by most, looking lovely, wearing a stunning dress and sexy high heeled, peep toe shoes.

Marisa Miller, first times on the blog, looking mighty sexy in her short dress and high heeled peep toe shoes.

Heather Graham, fairly new, but has featured before, nonetheless, looking extremely sexy in lovely white dress and very sexy, gold colored, high heeled sandals. Don't know about you, but in my opinion, she is a truly beautiful young lady.

Can you guess who this is??

If you guessed Cindy Crawford, you are of course correct! It is such a lovely pic of Cindy, casually dressed, but still very beautiful. (one of my favorite ladies)
Never featured before, but worth her weight in gold, stylish and elegant, still looking great for her age. (must be in her early 60's if I am not mistaken)Lovely Michelle Pheiffer.

Rachel Hunter, looking stunning in a mighty beautiful red dress, and an extremely sexy pair of high stiletto heeled sandals. I have featured her before, but she didn't look as good as in this photograph.

Another Rachel, this time Rachel McAdams, complete innocent beauty in my opinion. Really well shaped legs, complimented by the Pigalles she is wearing.

Well I guess my weekend is about to start, have a wonderful weekend, and let us know what you folks think of my choices.
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