Wednesday, July 8, 2009


My last post taught me at least one thing, quite a lot of my readers are very fond of Jennifer Aniston, so I thought it wise to post a few pics of her. Now I am not particularly fond of her, but I have nothing against her, in fact she is a lovely person. Only, in my opinion, she just does not always dress very colorful. Most of the time her make up is a might pale, and her attire in general is mostly dreary and completely without imagination or color. But, I am here to make friends and get more readers, and majority rules! So here is Jennifer.

Jennifer in a casual outfit, plain pinkish dress, thong slip slops and pony tail.

A slightly more colorful Jennifer, one of the very few pics I have where her toe nails are actually varnished.

Maybe I Should not have posted this pic, I don't think she ever thought that this would be taken, not very elegant I would say.

One thing I have to say that counts in Jennifer's favor, she does have nice legs, now this pic proofs that beyond any reasonable doubt. Those stiletto heeled court shoes obviously make a strong statement.

Here is more proof! A might of color in the dress, although one of my readers - will not mention names, will say it looks like a foil dress or couch fabric. We are admiring the legs here ok, not the attire. :) Again those stiletto heeled sandals help to emphasize the shape of her legs. (By now you should all know that I look at legs long before I notice the dress.)

The wrong shoes? Is that a smile? Or is it an expression of absolute pain and suffering?

Definitely pain, no doubt about that! Those shoes are gonna end up in the trash can, you can bet your bottom dollar on that!

Well folks,I guess that is it, I hope you enjoyed Jen, she is a lovely person, and we have established one thing today - she does have a pair of very sexy legs!

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