This young lady, Aisleyne Horgan-Wallace, has never been on my blog, nor do I know what her claim to fame is, but I am sure one or more of my readers will be able to help us out here. What I do know is that she looks stunning, love the lip color, love the dress, love the shoes, absolutely stunning!

Another new face, Brenda Song, looking quite sexy, although I am not a big fan of those C L's she is wearing. I guess they are a little chunky for my taste, but I am sure lots of my readers will love them. The skirt and top? great!

Jenni Falconer, looking gorgeous.... and happy! Here too I am at a loss as to where she fits into the celebrity hall of fame....

This young lady, Cheryl Cole, deserves her spot in the "lime light", I am sure you will agree with me. Stylishly dressed, very elegant, and the make up is perfect! Truly a pretty picture.

I must admit, I am slightly embarrassed, I have no idea where any of these girls fit in, and here is another one I do not know. But, to me that's not important, what matters is that they are all extremely well dressed, and all of them make a great statement. Here we have a stunning looking Katrina Bowden. Love those strappy, stiletto heeled sandals, very feminine and sexy. Maybe I should not say it, but it is a pity she didn't go the extra mile and painted her nails, that in my opinion, would have perfected the picture.

Do you know who this young lady is? Are you able to tell us who those lovely legs belong to. There is a tiny catch, but it cannot be too difficult. (Incidentally, for those readers who are ready to attack me for posting a cropped picture, this picture was sent to me in the cropped condition, it was not done by me, just thought I'd mention it in mitigation.) It was however selected as it will make it a little more difficult to put a name to her.
I guess that is it, have a wonderful day!
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