Thursday, August 27, 2009


I must have done something right, I am getting awards from different angles, first one I got a few days ago, and I do apologise for only posting now, but time has been a mite short, from Noble Thank you very much Swati, I do appreciate it. You are sooo sweet.

I would love to pass this award on to the following people:

Jackie of The Painted Veil.
Tonia of Tonia Fashion Tour

Both the above blogs are amazing, so I ask my readers to please visit and support them, truly fabulous blogs, you won't be sorry.

There are no rules as to how many you have to pass this on to, you may pass it on to as many as you wish.

My next awards were both from Jackie of The Painted Veil

The first one is:

I wish to pass this one on to the lovely Janet of janetteria blog.
Also to Joelyne of The Sydney Girl.

The Second award from the lovely Jackie is this one:

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

I would love to pass this one on to the following people:
Always ready to help others: Dorothy of womens selfesteem blog
Also to the lovely Forgetful Princess of Anything Under The Sun

Thanks Jackie for passing these awards on to me, I am honored, I trust my readers will visit all the sites mentioned here and support them all.

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