Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I have been meaning to do a new post for a while now, but never get around to actually doing it, but here it is now.

Today I am going to do another post about fashion and well dressed ladies. One of my readers, Marie of Bound and Determined blog said she is particularly fond of a certain actress. So to keep Marie happy, I am going to post a few pics of this actress.

Well, do you recognize her?
I wouldn't have.....to be honest.

How bout now? I think she looks especially beautiful in this picture. Yep, Kate Winslet.

And this is the one Kate I am not a fan of. Why you may ask. Well she, most of the time, dresses without imagination, no sex appeal, it's like she is old before her time.
I am not going to go into detail, I don't want Marie to get upset with me. :)

Now I have to say in her favor, Kate's that is, she has her moments, like in this pic, when she looks great.

Or in this one. In both these photographs she looks stunning and sexy. So she can if she puts her mind to it. In Titanic she looked gorgeous! Actually the best I have ever seen her.

But sadly, those are the best pics I could find of her.

See what I mean? Here she looks a mite pale, no color, no sex appeal.

So what do you say, am I right, is she a mite pale, or is she hot? I'd love to hear your opinion.
Have a great day.

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