Sunday, May 9, 2010


I came across this blog this morning and I thought I just have to share this with all of you.

This is the absolutely amazing story of a very brave young lady. She is only 16 years old and is sailing around the world all on her own. Just the thought gives me goose pimples, and in the same breath scares me to death.

Here is a picture of Abby on her yacht, Wild Eyes.

And here Abby is in Cape Town harbor where she had some repairs done to her yacht. Welcome in South Africa Abby! I hope you enjoy your stay, (not sure if she is still here) but may God sail with you!

Please visit Abby at Abby's blog drop her a line, and follow her solo trip around the world. I am sure she can do with all the support she can get.

Have a wonderful week and best wishes to you Abby!

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