Tuesday, June 16, 2009



A short while ago I visited a site named
I was interested as there was this option where you can apply to the site author, Joella, also known as Angel, to review your blog. I thought it would be nice to know how other people see my site, so needless to say, I applied.
Today I got an e mail from Angel Joella, the review was completed and posted on her site, http://www.blogswithwings.com
Well, I hesitantly at first opened her site to read her review, only, I was pleasantly surprised, no I was actually really mighty impressed by what she wrote about my site. It is mostly difficult to judge ones own work, but I am flattered by her review, I am sure you can imagine just how I felt when I read it, not one bad word, no negative criticism, and no, I did not pay her to say all those nice things…

Thanks Joella, you did an excellent job, really appreciate your time, your effort, and kind words!

So everyone, please feel free to visit Joella, and if you are up to it, please read her review on my blog, or better still, ask her to do a review of your site, maybe, just maybe she will do it.

Thanks again Joella!

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