Tuesday, June 9, 2009


I have to confess, I tried to alter the background color on my blog and in the process lost everything on my side bar, (don't ask me how) all badges, blog roll, header, everything!! But it is up and running again now, Dorothy of
volunteered to fix it for me as I do not have the know how nor the patience to do it all by myself. I don't think you can even begin to imagine how I felt. But thanks to Dorothy my site is up and running again and looks exactly the same as it looked before the "crash"!! Thanks Dorothy!! (yes, you are correct, the color will remain the same)
I now have one small problem still, I have to ask all of you who have my site on your blog roll and do not see your site on mine,(unfortunately some could not be saved, my own stupidity as I never kept a back up) to please let me know and I will replace them as soon as possible. The same goes for buttons/badges and what ever else.
I know I am behind on dropping, visiting, replying and posting, so please be patient, I will catch up as soon as possible.
Have a super day!!

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