If you are also having a blue Monday, let's see if we can make it slightly better by adding some spice and color to your day.
Tina Fey flaunting her well shaped legs! It is her first time on my blog, but she deserves a special spot on the red carpet.

Another first timer, Carmen Electra looking especially lovely and colorful. Don't you just love the nail polish?

A regular visitor, Kate Beckinsale also looking lovely and colorful. She is one of my all time favorites!! I am sure you can tell why.

I noticed one of my readers searching specifically for Sonya Krauss, so I thought it wise to post another picture of her. I think she also deserves a special spot on the red carpet, she is a looker!! Oh, btw,she is the lady on the left, not that there is anything wrong with the other two ladies in the picture, on the contrary, problem is, I have no idea who they are.

I would like to wish all my readers a super week.
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