Sunday, October 19, 2008


I am not sure all you ladies out there realize just what a difference a tiny difference makes to a relationship, now I am not talking major differences so your guy would go, “who on earth are you?” I am talking small things, different hair style, no not cutting it short or something, (I for instance love long, wild, unruly hair) but maybe a different color, different style, different make up color, nice new earrings, a necklace, basically anything you can think of. But as I said, nothing radical, rather something subtle.

You take for instance something as simple as nail varnish, take a look at this picture of Cameron Diaz, doesn’t she look just lovely, soft, cuddly and feminine, I just love that hair, and of course the nail polish and make up serves as an excellent finishing touch. Nothing pale and boring about her!!

Christina Ricci? I think she has a wild side to her, but doesn't she look feminine and sexy in this picture? I think she looks great, she's got style and pizzazz…

I have always had a soft spot for Minka Kelly, soft, feminine, almost innocent, but in a sexy way, well kept and nice legs too.

Victoria is in my opinion also a very sexy lady, she always dresses to kill, however, this hairstyle?? No it doesn’t suit her, not in my book anyway, her longer style suits her much better....I think.....

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