Friday, March 4, 2011


Let's start this Saturday with something interesting, see how clued up you all are, who is this girl? Hint? Not that young anymore, lately she likes younger guys, ex wife to a very well known actor. She can, in some movies be quite naughty, and in my opinion her knees are not very attractive anymore. (gravity is taking its toll) However, her calves are still in great shape. So I guess she can be classified as a girl with sexy legs.

Ok, on to serious business, I was awarded again. The lovely and talented Susu of Susu Paris Chic honored me with the Stylish Blogger award. It is the second time in about as many months I got this award, so there must be some truth in my newly acquired title. :)

Thanks Susu for considering me when dishing out awards, I truly am honored.
The rules are, post the award on your site, acknowledge and link to the person who awarded you, and then share some 7 facts about yourself.

Well, I have done this a few times, so I am going to try and tell some you do not know yet.

1. I am a morning person, I always get up in a good mood. Mornings are the best time of the day, air is clean and the brain is fresh. And when I say morning person, I mean early morning, I am mostly up around 4 in the morning.

2. It takes a while to get me riled up, but when I get really mad, I explode. I however cool down just as quickly, and no hard feelings afterward.

3. Do no run away from me, I absolutely hate it, when I was still a policeman, and a suspect took a chance at running away, and I was in the position to catch him, I used, let's call it excessive force, to arrest him. I had absolutely no mercy in a case like that.

4. I do not like attention, example, when I walk into a room filled with people, I keep a low profile. I would much rather be there first, than walk in late and all heads turn to me. (I am very seldom late for any appointment.)

5. I have no enemies. (I outlived them) No, seriously, I hate no one, I do not even have hard feelings toward anyone. Hate is a wasted emotion that only destroy the hater, and not the hated, who most probably does not even know you hate him or her, and if he or she knew, he or she couldn't care a rat's ass.

6. I am a realist, bordering on a pessimist, a glass is either half full or half empty, depending on where the level is, if less than half, it is half empty, and if above the halfway mark, it is half full. If exactly half, it is half what ever you wanna call it. Which ever, there is no wrong answer.

7. Nothing is ever almost right, if it is almost right, it is still wrong, no matter what the excuse. I dislike the words, "yes but" they make no sense, you say yes, which means you agree, and then you say but, which cancels the confirmation. So what are you saying then? Is it right or is it wrong?

There you have a piece of me. Now I am not going to follow all the rules, I am supposed to forward to 10 bloggers whom I think deserve it. I am however forwarding this award to every one of you. Please take it, post it and consider yourself a stylish blogger. You all deserve it!

Nancy O'Dell I thought should have the honor of walking down the red carpet before we start our weekend. She looks stunning in this pic, well shaped, sexy legs, extremely sexy dress and sexy high stiletto heels. What more can a guy ask for....

So, what do you think? Who is the mystery girl, do not cheat, be honest.

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