Saturday, January 31, 2009


I have noticed that lots of my readers do their search on Google for celebs in heels, so here are some more celebs in heels!

Kirsten Dunst I have featured before, here she is showing off some lovely legs!

Another Kirsten, this time Kirsten Bell, also featured before, looking absolutely gorgeous in her stilettos, showing off a pair of well shaped legs.

This one especially for my lovely wife, a huge fan of Celine Dion! Great legs and a brilliant performer! Celine that is.... Enjoy this one my Love, just for you!

Renee looking especially lovely, beeeautifully shaped legs, well complimented by her high heeled stilettos.

Amic Madchen I have also featured before, but with legs like hers she can be featured every day.

That's it for today, I wish all my readers a super week and happy blogging!

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