Can you guess who this is?? Yes the girl above. Take a close look, I bet you can't!
Now take a look at the girl down here, would you believe me if I tell you that she is the same girl..... Almost impossible to imagine...?? Yes I know.

Yes it is Jessica Simpson!
Now if make up can do this for her, I'm pretty sure it can do the same for any other girl.
Here is another one, take a close look.....

Well, do you know who she is??
No? I thought so....
Ok, now let's take a peek at her when she is dressed to kill....

Hmmm, Brittney looks a damn site better with her war paint, don't you agree??
What I am trying to proof is the following, if it can make that much difference to celebs, it can do the same for you, they are ordinary people just like you and I, and they only look stunning because of the correct extras, and a whole bunch of experts working on them for hours, so to speak.
While we are chatting I would like to use this opportunity to wish all my readers a prosperous new year, and may what you have seen on my blog, help you all to improve your self esteem. Remember, each and everyone of you are a star!! All you have to do is discover how to make you shine!