Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Today's post is going to start with something other than sexy legs.

UTEvoWalkImage via WikipediaI have a very sweet and dear friend, Fernanda, who lives on an island somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic ocean. Now Fernanda is a special person and a good blogging friend of mine, who currently is hosting a giveaway on her site, Searching the Inner Me.

The prize she has to give to a lucky readers is the chance to win a gift card to the value of $25-00 which you can redeem against a skincare product called SkinCareRx. They have an amazing range of cleansing products and make up to choose from.

Please, please, please go over to Fernanda's site and enter, for free I might add, her giveaway. You have nothing to lose, yet lots to win. So, what are you waiting for? Go check it out and enter!

Oh, before you go, I have just one person I want to feature today, (I'll be quick) and she needs no introduction, the lovely Reese Witherspoon, new face and legs as she never featured before. Shame on me, yes I know!

I will not accuse Reese of being the owner of really well shaped legs, but in my opinion she has wonderful style, and she is truly beautiful.
I cannot believe that I have never featured her on my blog before.

Well she might not have the sexiest, best shaped legs out there, but with the help of a pair of C L high heeled shoes, her legs are sexy, in my opinion. What do you think? Can we classify her as a girl with sexy legs?

Let us know what you think.

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