Friday, May 6, 2011

Lake Robinson report

Went out to Lake Robinson just north of Cocodrie Friday morning. The trout are very thick in the lake rite now on the southern end. The plans were to catch red fish but we only managed to put trout on the deck. The water is much cleaner on the south end and the tide was dead low but started to rise at 10am. Basically get in the lake an search for diving birds. You may have to filter through a couple groups before you actually find the keepers. We caught them on yum curly tails chartruese color, lsu chubs, gulp naturals and gulp new penny. Each bait fished with a chartruese jig head under a popping cork. The weather is great rite now, so make sure you get out and take the family fishing before all the high water puts a damper on everything. It seems if its not the wind its the high water, so take advantage. Well have a great weekend and be safe on the water. And for all you mothers out there, Happy Mothers day to you! Tell your other half to take you fishing!

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