Friday, February 4, 2011


Now ain't this special, my good friend Bill, author of Beautiful Celebrity Women! thought it wise to pass an award on to me, the Stylish Blogger Award. Thanks Bill, I am honored. I have been called a lot of things in my life, not all of them flattering, but stylish is one name that has never been given me. :) I really do appreciate it.

This is what the award looks like!

I am suppose to let you in on some of my secrets, 7 to be exact.

Then I am supposed to pass it on to 15 other bloggers whom I think deserve this. Problem is, all the bloggers that comment on my site, deserve this award.

Anyway, let's start with the 7 facts about me.

1. I was a police detective for almost 23 years of my life. In those years I have seen the best, but also the worst of life, but I never regretted doing it. I have gained life experience in those 23 years that the average person will not experience in 80 years. I still get nightmares, and even though I do not anymore battle with insomnia per se, I cannot sleep in. I am up just about every morning by 4, and only get back to bed after 10 at night.

2. I always said I will never marry, but I lied coz I married when I was 34. That was my first marriage, big mistake, had no brains yet, so got divorced in 2000, and then married Yolande in 2005. I have brains now.

3. I love action and good western movies, and movies that involves flying or airplanes. Pearl Harbor with Kate Beckinsale my favorite.

4. I am now retired, and make a living by investing in property to rent. A friend of mine and I are writing an e-book at the moment, called Property Investment for Dummies. It is almost ready to release. I will post it on my blog as soon as it is available.

5. I hate flying, yet I love airplanes, I can watch them for hours, and my favorite pass time is to sit at the airport and watch them land and take off. (silly I know, but as one gets older, you become more and more like a child...hehehe....)

6. I never wanted kids, but my wife wanted a little boy. Now that he is a reality, I cannot imagine life without him. We were truly blessed, and I am truly grateful for being blessed with a wonderful family.

Yes, it was cold and wet!

7. I spend too much time in front of my pc, but I love what I am doing. You tell me, which blogger does not spend too much time in front of his or her pc?

I guess that is it, I have opened my heart to you guys, now every one of you that feel he or she has the urge to do so, grab the award, and let us in on some deep down secrets of your life.

Thanks again Bill, now that I have those 7 things off my chest, I feel a whole heap better. :)

Take care and enjoy your weekend.

Ps, take a look at this:

Generate an extra income:

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