Friday, February 18, 2011

My Top 5 iPhone apps

Angry Birds - There is a reason that this app is #1 it’s so addictive. You will love it and hate it all at the same time! For only .99 how can you not play it?

Facebook – No longer do you have to be at the computer to tell the whole world your every move…. Great! Now you can go 55 Mph and post about what and where you go Grrrr. Still a great app just do NOT do it while driving please!

Words with Friends – Even those who can’t spell that entire well can still win at this game trust me I am a prime example of it. If you would like a shot at the champ my screen name is fordpwr88. Bring it on!

Drudge Report – What I consider the best news source of our time. The app links to his site and is updated before even the President knows it happened. (Sorry that’s not hard to do these days)

Primos Hunting Calls – For those hunters out there this app has every call you could need. Tried and tested I bring my phone in the stand with me every time.

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