When I opened the manufactures' website, Murano Glass Gifts, I was mighty impressed by what I found, jewelry totally unique and exquisitely made of the purest glass.
Somewhere just north of Venice, on a small island, these beautiful pieces are made and sculptured by hand. Methods that has been the trademark of Murano Glass for many centuries.
But it gets better, they also make glass animals, vases, bottles, center pieces, glasses, you name it. All guaranteed unique and authentic.
Being a horse lover, this prancing horse caught my attention. Made to absolute perfection.

A little history on Murano Glass:
The family business, Murano Glass, originated from the 9th century, when the Venetian Republic, for fear of fire, ordered the glassblowers to a small island. By the 14th century the 3000 inhabitants of the island became some of the most respected and revered citizens in all of Venice, granted special privileges and favors by the Republic. And it is not difficult to see why.
Now if I could lay my hands on this Cassandra Murano Glass Necklace, I just know I will be in the pound seats with my wife.... for a while anyway. :-)
I know she loves the color. And this piece is absolutely stunning. I might add, very reasonably priced, see for yourself, Murano Glass Necklaces.

Looking at this Costa Rica Green necklace and bracelet, I am sure you will agree with me, exquisitely made, a true masterpiece.

If you fancy pendants, please feel free to brows though Murano's Glass Pendants page, pieces of unequaled standard and elegance.
The Murano Candy Necklace Blue is the kind of pendant my wife will be crazy about, she loves the turquoise blue color, and it will go well with most of her outfits and will definitely compliment her eyes.

Did I mention, if you stay in the US or Canada, UPS ground shipping is free? Well it is!
How lovely are these glasses? Imagine them in your glass collection! Fabulously made, superb craftsmanship! Made to perfection.

The Murano family guarantee 100% satisfaction, why don't you folks take them up on their offer? Visit their website, order something, be it for yourself, or as a gift for someone special. Oh, and please tell your friends!
Have a lovely weekend everyone!
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