What is it that makes a girl sexy? Not what she wears, but how she wears it. If a girl feels great, she has confidence, confidence is directly related to sex appeal. And everyone notices.
A girl whom I think is just oozing sex appeal, is Penny Lancaster, the very sexy and stunningly beautiful wife of old man Rod Steward. She is now pregnant with her second child, just by the way. Now this pic of her speaks for itself. Confident and kick ass sexy. Beautiful dress, lovely wild curly hair, sexy high heeled sandals, and red varnish on her toe nails, 10 out of 10. Sexy legs too!! !\_

The fact that her hubby is much shorter than Penny is also, thankfully, not stopping her from wearing heeled, in fashion shoes either. (it doesn't seem to bother him, and it wouldn't have bothered me either had I been shorter than my wife, lucky for me I am taller, because she goes no where in flats.)

When most women look at a celebrity, it is with envy and sometimes even blatant jealousy. (come on, admit it!) Why? Cos in your humble opinion the celebrity is well build, sexy, beautiful, or what ever praise you wants to swing in her direction. My opinion, one mostly sees a celebrity in a picture that has been altered, just so she can look fabulous. If you peel off the wall and all and war paint, and you will find wrinkles, stretchmarks, cellulite, flabby thighs, etc, etc. You will find that you more than likely, look better than she does when she opens her eyes first thing in the morning, and I can proof that to you.
Look at this pic of Cameron Diaz:

Does this prove my point? Is this what you look like first thing in the morning? Nah, I didn't think so.
Cindy Crawford has always been one of my favorites, and I have to add, she has loads of natural beauty, but looking at this pic of her on a day out, shopping or what ever, she looks pretty average to me, she might as well have been the girl living just down the street. Sorry Cindy, but even here she looks great.

What does that tell you? You can also look like that. I hear my wife complain, her thighs are too big, gun bags she calls them... or her boobs are too small, her hair is too straight... I can carry on, but most celebrities have the same complaints, only difference is, they have highly paid hair stylists that do their hair every day, they have time and money to go to gym every day, they have a bank balance to pay for plastic surgery and/or boob enlargements, and they have a professional photographer who can make them look fabulous in pictures.
Same Cameron Diaz, after the professionals who surrounds her on a daily basis, has done the necessary.

I can hear you say, "what does a man know?" You are forgetting something, we see you from the "other side", to me my wife is gorgeous, even if she doesn't believe me, and I am sure the guy in your life thinks the same of you.
I'd love to hear your opinion on this, tell us what you think, and if I left out something, feel free to add it in your comment. Maybe I can use it in a future post. It is true, I am a man, and I am also learning something new everyday.
Have a great day and a care free weekend.
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