What took her so long to come into the limelight? “Everybody starts somewhere. I’ve been singing for South Indian films and have worked with some of the best people there. I did work that was offered to me,” she says.
However, with someone like Sonu for her brother, why did she choose to train under somebody else, and why not the Hindi film industry? “Not everything that you plan turns out that way. I choose to go on with life. I’ve done courses in spirituality, healing, psychology and yoga. And it was while I was busy with this that I found my calling in music. Music has never required an effort from my end because in the family, music is a part of our dinner table conversation. My first inspiration in music has been my dad. My sister has played an instrumental role in helping me recognise the singer in me. We (Sonu and I) catch up with each other, if I’m stuck, I take his opinion, but I know that I don’t really need to sit with him to learn music. I have his unconditional support and guidance and I am happy for that. As far as training goes, I’d say that my guru is the perfect person to teach something. I couldn’t have asked for more,” she says.
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