Monday, July 25, 2011


66ème Festival du Cinéma de Venise (Mostra), 3...Image via Wikipedia

I had another request from Dena of being Dena, this time for a post of Eva Mendes. Now if you have not been to Dena's site, please do yourself a favor and get there asap. She is gorgeously beautiful, runs a brilliant site, and she would love to entertain you and treat you. So please drop by her site and say hi.

Getting back to Eva, in my opinion Eva is a stunningly beautiful lady, with a load of confidence and a drool-worthy sex appeal.

Eva, a thirty something girl, was born in Miami Florida, has a list of movies starred in, as long as my arm, and is doing very well for herself.
Funny enough, just like Drew, Eva had her share of substance abuse, but in 2008 she kicked the habit, and has never looked back.

This is such a stunning picture of Eva, love the dressier touch, and kick ass sexy attitude. Elegant and sexy.

If you are a regular reader of my posts, you will know that I love the way she stands here, there is just something about it that oozes sex appeal. Quite sexy legs also, specially with the heels.

A very determined Eva, obviously we have no clue what she is talking about, but she looks extremely sexy while saying it. :)

I think Eva nowadays, is the perfect example of a successful celebrity, who has been up the creek and over the mountain, yet is extremely popular, and still has places to go and things to do. A style inspiration and fashion icon to younger, and maybe even some older stars, and girl next door alike.

Eva Mendes in an evening gown, looking like a fairy princess, a perfect picture.

Let us know what you think, and take care.

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