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Vibrate a trim!!
Do the hippy – hippy shake and loose weight, improve bone density and blood circulation, curb the effects of arthritis, osteoporoses, diabetes & tone muscles. All of this can be achieved without working up a sweat and within as little as ten minutes, and in no more than thirty minutes a day.

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This phenomenal invention of loosing weight, healing injuries or toning of muscle while standing on a lightly vibrating plate, has taken the world by storm. The loss of bone density and muscle of astronauts going into space for prolonged periods of time has been baffling scientists at NASA for ages. With this new phenomenon the State University of New York at Stony Brook is currently experimenting to solve the problem of muscle and bone loss. Huge progress in this regard has been made on laboratory animals such as sheep, rats and turkeys and although no experiments have yet been done on astronauts traveling to space, scientists are convinced that they may have found a solution to the problem.
However, seeing as you and I are not going into space in the unforeseen future, we don’t have to be concerned with loss of bone density or muscle while gallivanting on the moon or Mars, but we are all running the danger of developing osteoporoses, arthritis, diabetes or gaining unwanted, nasty, ugly fat and cellulite!
Different types of vibrating devices or machines have been developed and built to make it possible for you and me to step out of our office, car or bedroom onto this machine and to take ten to thirty minutes out of our day to exercise without having to dress for the occasion or to shower afterwards. You simply slip off your shoes, step onto the metal plate, close your eyes and allow this vibrating platform to take you on an exotic trip in your imagination, while your muscles flex themselves into shape. Also, the term “no pain no gain” does not apply here because now you can literally exercise without getting tired or work up a sweat or suffer from muscle fatigue afterwards.
Body Soul machine

How does this work?
The movement of the vibration plate stimulates and massages the body’s natural ‘stretch – reflex’ and transmits a fast sequence of vibrations specifically designed to activate and stimulate the muscle walls of the body without oxidative stress and lactic acid caused by conventional exercise. All of this with no sweating or muscular fatigue, causing minimal stress on joints, ligaments or tendons. Nearly 100% of the muscle fibers are stimulated whereas with conventional exercise only 40% is utilized.
Medical advantages of using one of these machines are as follow:
- Improvement of blood circulation, resulting in waste products being discarded much faster, thereby enhancing recovery.
- Improves metabolism
- Weight loss (slimming and toning muscles)
- Anti- cellulite through the promotion of the blood flow to the problem areas
- Huge hormonal effects from training (increased testosterone, growth hormone and decreased stress hormone)
- Enhancing of lymphatic drainage
- Cures constipation
- Muscle strengthening and body remodeling
- Increase peripheral microcirculation
- Beautification of the skin
- Prevention of osteoporosis through the maintenance of flexibility of the bones (improves bone density)
- Prevention of venous afflictions of chronic blood insufficiency to the heart, paralyses and atrophy
- Rehabilitation in case of sport injuries as may be needed to injuries associated to the Achilles tendon or knee lesions
Psycho – physical advantages.
- Anti- stress
- Relaxation
- Enhancement of space and time perception
- Superior sports training to enhance explosive power and flexibility
It is further common knowledge that exercise is recommended for people with the following conditions:
- Arthritis
- Back pain
- Osteoporoses
- Poor circulation
- Sports injuries
- Multiple scleroses
- Stroke
- Cerebral palsy
- Frozen shoulder
- Post injury / post rehabilitation
Don’t we all, some secretly, others not so secretly, wish to be healthy, fit, well built, cellulite free, sexy and good looking? It’s natural to wish for that, unfortunately with a tight schedule, not all of us are up to two or three hours of weight training, three or four hours of cycling or even just jogging for an hour or two. Everyone however can benefit by joining in the wonderful experience of vibrating and massaging all the excess fat and waste products right out of your system in as little as ten to thirty minutes a day.
Give this a quick thought, how long does it take the average person to undress, dress in sports wear, train & workup a sweat, cool down afterwards, undress again, shower and dress again? Two and a half hours at least if a man, if a lady, a might longer perhaps? Well, consider this, half an hour is all you need to have a full session of training, in total (no undressing, showering, re – doing of make up or dressing) on the Body Soul machine! No sweat, no smudged mascara, no cooling down afterwards, no shower, just pure bliss and enjoyment. Experts claim that ten minutes training on these vibrating machines like the Body Soul, are equal to one hour’s training in a gym. Now I cannot for the life of me see how training in the gym, getting tired and sore, getting all sweaty and dirty on pre – used, sweat covered, germ infested gym equipment, can be more alluring, or healthy for that matter, than thirty minutes a day on a perfectly clean Body Soul machine. (Our Body Soul machines get cleaned with disinfectant after every use)
Just a few different stances on Body Soul Machine

Who can benefit from this?
If you are over the age of twelve years, weigh less then 200kg, not pregnant and keen to improve your health, go for it!! We do however recommend that you consult your doctor first if you are diabetic, have acute inflammation, acute rheumatoid arthritis, recent joint implants, epilepsy, fresh surgery wounds or have cancer.
(For even better results, enjoy 500 ml of pure water after use.)
Who can I contact for this wonderful opportunity?
Yolande Immelman on 082 441 4706 or Colin Immelman on 083 276 8643 or both on 041 368 3654 (Mount Pleasant, Port Elizabeth)
Success statement – Alicia Henning – 21 years old.
I weighed 69.7 kg when I first started using the Body Soul machine on 16 April 2007. Because most of the fat was in my hips, as you can see on the photos, I was not at all happy with my figure. Within the first two weeks I lost 1 kg. Needless to say, I was quite impressed with myself. Another two weeks down the line I had lost 3.7kg and 11 cm in total. Now I was really mighty chuffed with myself.
Alicia before she started using the Body Soul machine.

On 19 June 2007 when I weighed myself, I was on 62.4 kg, I have lost 7.3 kg and a whopping 26 cm in total….!!! And all of this in only two months. Where constipation used to be a problem from time to time, I am now very regular, and in general I feel great about myself!
Wow, look at me now!!

Alicia after forty five days using the Body Soul machine.)

If you have a weight problem and don’t feel good about yourself, do yourself a favor, do the hippy – hippy shake on our Body Soul machine, no sweat, no tears, no pain….but lots to gain!!!
I hope to get your input on the above blog, please feel free to leave a comment. Thanks a million.